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We always consider the impact our business has on the world around us.

As a socially conscious business, we are leading the way in adoption of Environmental, Social and Governance approaches in the real estate development and investment industry, to generate better outcomes for society and investors alike.


As a property developer we are, by nature of what we do, changing the built environment. We have the obligation to ensure that what we do creates a positive impact on the environment. We achieve this through our key principles, which are a commitment to achieving net zero carbon in our projects by 2040, 10 years ahead of the government target of 2050. We seek to ensure our projects minimise the embodied carbon footprint as well as the in-use carbon footprint.

Building and construction are responsible for 39% of all carbon emissions in the world (WGBC Global Status Report 2017). We have a responsibility to seek ways to reduce the carbon footprint of our industry.

We aim to achieve our environmental targets through a combination of factors:


Companies have a responsibility for their employees as well as their impact on the societies in which they operate – for instance in terms of working conditions, labour rights and diversity.

We pride ourselves on the social impact we make on people’s lives through creation of places people want to live and work.

Our key social policies include:


2020 shifted corporate and investor focus more towards sustainability than ever before. We believe in transparent reporting to our stakeholders. In an industry that is often opaque, we provide best in class reporting at every level of the business to ensure that our stakeholders are fully engaged with the environmental, social and economic impacts we are creating.